👋 Hey there!

Looks like you’re early to the party. We’re building Oxygen, the better way to own your music. After trying (and failing 😔) to own music for a long time, I realized that it kinda sucks. If you’re not tech savvy, you lose a bunch of features that you would normally be used to. You lose the simplicity. You lose the convenience. It shouldn’t have to suck.

Okay, so what is Oxygen?

Oxygen is a music streaming service that uses your own media library. That way, you have control over your music. You can listen to it whenever you want, wherever you want. It’s as simple as uploading your music and listening. All you pay for is storage.

What if I have my own media vault already?

We want to make Oxygen work for you too! We’re working on making it possible to use Oxygen as a front-end to your media vault. However, we don’t think it’ll be ready for launch. Keep an eye out though :3

Is it good?


Where can I see updates?

Every so often I’ll post updates on my Twitter account. However, maybe there will be an update or two on this very page.

Hopefully we can deliver one of the best music experiences you’ll ever have.

- addi 🩷